Security and dependability assurance processes generate a lot of information. This may include test results; information about the development processes used, records of review meetings, etc. This information provides evidence about the security and dependability of a system, and is used to help decide whether or not the system is dependable enough for operational use. Safety and dependability cases are structured documents setting out detailed arguments and evidence that a system is safe or that a required level of security or dependability has been achieved. They are sometimes called assurance cases. Essentially, a safety or dependability case pulls together all of the available evidence that demonstrates that a system is trustworthy. For many types of critical system, the production of a safety case is a legal requirement. The case must satisfy a regulator or certification body before the system can be deployed.
The responsibility of a regulator is to check that a completed system is as safe or dependable as practicable, so their role primarily comes into play when a development project is complete. However, regulators and developers rarely work in isolation; they communicate with the development team to establish what has to be included in the safety case. The regulator and developers jointly examine processes and procedures to make sure that these are being enacted and documented to the regulator’s satisfaction.
Dependability cases are usually developed during and after the system development process. This can sometimes cause problems if the development process activities do not produce evidence for the system’s dependability. Dependability cases are generalizations of system safety cases. A safety case is a set of documents that includes a description of the system to be certified, information about the processes used to develop the system and, critically, logical arguments that demonstrate that the system is likely to be safe.