Formal specifications are usually developed as part of a plan-based software process, where the system is completely specified before development. The system requirements and design are defined in detail and are carefully analyzed and checked before implementation begins. If a formal specification of the software is developed, this usually comes after the system requirements have been specified but before the detailed system design. There is a tight feedback loop between the detailed requirements specification and the formal specification.
The advantages of developing a formal specification and using this in a formal development process are:
1. As you develop a formal specification in detail, you develop a deep and detailed understanding of the system requirements. Even if you do not use the specification in a formal development process, requirements error detection is a potent argument for developing a formal specification (Hall, 1990). Requirements problems that are discovered early are usually much cheaper to correct than if they are found at later stages in the development process.
2. As the specification is expressed in a language with formally defined semantics, you can analyze it automatically to discover inconsistencies and incompleteness.
3. If you use a method such as the B method, you can transform the formal specification into a program through a sequence of correctness-preserving transformations. The resulting program is therefore guaranteed to meet its specification.
4. Program testing costs may be reduced because you have verified the program against its specification.
In spite of these advantages, formal methods have had limited impact on practical software development, even for critical systems. Consequently, there is very little experience in the community of developing and using formal system specifications.
The arguments that are put forward against developing a formal system specification are:
1. Problem owners and domain experts cannot understand a formal specification so they cannot check that it accurately represents their requirements. Software engineers, who understand the formal specification, may not understand the application domain so they too cannot be sure that the formal specification is an accurate reflection of the system requirements.
2. It is fairly easy to quantify the costs of creating a formal specification, but more difficult to estimate the possible cost savings that will result from its use. As a result, managers are unwilling to take the risk of adopting this approach.
3. Most software engineers have not been trained to use formal specification languages. Hence, they are reluctant to propose their use in development processes.
4. It is difficult to scale current approaches to formal specification up to very large systems. When formal specification is used, it is mostly for specifying critical kernel software rather than complete systems.
5. Formal specification is not compatible with agile methods of development.